Fruits of time

I’ve forgotten to play with stones and mud
Get dirty in grime then fall with a thud
Without worrying if that skirt would ever go bad
Or bother being bruised for the chances I had

I’ve forgotten the taste of ripened fruit
Stuck high on a tree or fallen to the root
Without caring if it was half eaten before
By squirrels or parrots busy piling their store

Now I want things untouched and clean
Now I’ve changed, want to go places unseen
Now this haughty head rules over the heart
Now the reckless innocence doesn’t play any part

I used to love searching for stones in the mud
Walk barefoot on scree and play like a dud
Those were the days I scathed my outsides
And now I wait to heal these insides

As I ripen in age seeing the fruits of time
Clean and cut but not worth a dime
I don’t know if my dirt has stayed inside any longer
This bloody head’s forgotten my heart was way stronger