Like the ship of Theseus
Parts old and broken
Emotions strong devious
Inner spirits un-awoken
Hoping to feel whole
and thinking I was not
I ran behind goals
That weren’t worth a shot
But when time takes away
it takes away for good
A future yet to parlay
from a past, as it should
So even if I chose
to not rock my ship
time would wrap its noose
Making it easy to rip
A foe without intent
steadily creeping on
it added cracks indents
without sounding alarm
So I myself dismantled
pieces, parts and all
sat amid the rubble
prepping a major haul
Then this gluing spirit
handed vision n dreams
Dripping sweat with it
bolting fixing extremes
Some do die in pain
some simply carry on
some resign some feign
some fight head on
& I came together whole
quite not like as before
And while I broke myself
I hadn’t killed my core
Now calm collected
anchored rooted but free
I sat unaffected
across my enemy
Time ebbs what’s young
turns it into old
But I’m not done yet
my tales still untold
Posted inAll Poems & sketches